
City Service Corps

A national expansion of the Baltimore Corps program which provided training, professional development, and internship opportunities to “accelerate social innovation”

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United States

Dates of operation

2022- present

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City Corps is a national effort to share the multi-sector service, training, social enterprise support, and jobs program model first implemented by Baltimore Corps in Maryland, USA. The program aims to provide “tools, resources, professional development, curriculum, technical assistance, funding and other investments to partners in emerging cities operating or starting fellowship training programs, internships, and apprenticeships,” (1). As of April 2023, the program is active in Baltimore, MD and Birmingham, AL (2).

Defining principles

Provide countercyclical economic opportunities, promote equity with a flexible program structure and public and private sector partnerships, and promote professional development and social impact entrepreneurship.


The program grew out of the need for an alternative to existing public-private service initiatives in the United States. City Corps is built on ten years of experience with Baltimore Corps and the experience of supporting the development and implementation of Birmingham Corps.

Criteria for participation

Varies by program context, but must follow U.S. Americorps work requirements. In Birmingham, AL the program seeks High School graduates or GED recipients, 18 years old or older who hold one of the following citizenship statuses: US citizen, US National, Lawful Permanent Resident Aliens. Participants must pass a National Service Criminal History Check. Ability to serve 40 - 45 hours per week (3).

Pay and benefits

Dependent upon program context. In Birmingham, AL the program provides up to $21,000 living allowance over 10 months (1700 hours), paid bi-weekly (4).


U.S. Americorps and a mixture of additional public and philanthropic funds through non-profit entities, City Corps and satellite programs. Program funding is based on program context, but generally includes a mix of public and private funding.


Ongoing programs to provide social entrepreneurship support, training, education, career counseling, and full-time employment placement. For example, in Birmingham, AL program participants are provided with race & equity training, leadership and professional skills workshops, networking events, community service projects, and 40 hours per week of hands-on work experience.

Types of work

Varies by program location, U.S. Americorps requirements, and public and private sector program partners.

Notable features

Birmingham Corps in Alabama, USA was the first external program to be supported by Baltimore Corps through the City Corps program.


Workers with mismatched skills to positions and institutions needed greater direction and had more difficulty fulfilling position requirements (5).

Visit program website


  1. City Corps. What is City Corps?
  2. City Corps. Our Cities.
  3. Birmingham Corps. (2023). Opportunities.
  4. Birmingham Corps. (2023). Opportunities.
  5. Dietz, N. et al. (April, 2019). City Service Cops: Americorps Program Outcome Evaluation. Urban Institute. Research Report.