Justin Holt, an economist in the Office of Publications and Special Studies, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, has written a review of Pavlina Tcherneva’s book “The Case for a Job Guarantee”. He writes that,
“In The Case for a Job Guarantee, Tcherneva makes five main arguments. First, involuntary unemployment is commonplace and correlated with detriments for the unemployed and others. Second, the prevailing theory of full employment is not supported by empirical research. Third, full employment can only be maintained with the use of a job guarantee. Fourth, a job guarantee provides goods and services not currently produced by the private and public sectors, and a job guarantee would reduce the detriments correlated with involuntary unemployment. Fifth, a job guarantee can contribute to price stability by expanding the supply of experienced workers and by minimizing wage fluctuations.”
Read the full review at this link.